Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thoughts on how to live life...


===> BE PEACEFUL (before god, truth, spirituality and anything)
Everything comes after peace => contentment, enthusiasm, creativity.
- Problems when small irritate you(like a particle in eye). Make problems bigger so that they become rock and then avoid them(like a rock) and walk past from the side(finding other way).

- Logic is sequentially connected and coherent.
- We make goals because we want people to inquire and be curious and motivated
working towards goal. But when working...then drop the goal and focus on the path
and accept events as they come and then react on the fly.

- Listen to your inner voice even if it contradicts peoples opinion(or what one hear). Inner voice will make right choice for a context. Opinion may be not be applicable for every context and situation. If you cannot listen to your inner voice then meditate, be relaxed. I think cause of my heartburn/frustration that I am not listening to my inner voice or it is just not coming or it's not clear. Relax and keep asking yourself.

- can we change property of iron to rust or become opaque? rose plant to flower as lily? But human mind/people also have their property but they can change because they have minds. One can change by influencing their minds(a slow process but possible) => culture, their environment and their response system to society.

- live life happily and let go of things
There is a choice to not do it too but that will keep heart heavy, face sad and
moments miserable.

- Lack of initiative from others: this thought style does take away frustration feeling and makes one take initiative.

Art of living:

Destiny is decided at birth. Then why should we anything?
Sri Sri: To improve yourself is also a part of destiny. World is a combination of destiny and Karma. Some things can be changed, some things cannot be changed.

Be like a small baby. What has a baby achieved? It is so completely dependent, yet it smiles doesn't it?!

Mistakes only happen when there is lack of awareness. Work on increasing your awareness.
(Guruji asked how many people wanted to sing or talk - then he asked to check
which of our nostrils were active - "If your right nostril is active then you
can understand me very well right now." He continued - "You can tell so much
from the breath - if the left nostril is active - it means you are thirsty - if
Right nostril is active then digestion is happening - if both are active - then
you are ready for meditation)

To be unethical is that which gives you short-term joy and in the longer period and makes you miserable. Right ethics is that which though you have to hold your breath for a short period of time, would bring long- term success and enable you to enjoy the sustainable development.
There are three kinds of people who do not listen – the stressed, the unhappy, and the deaf.

Thoughts simply arise---but you choose to act or not act. This is what awareness brings in you. If you are not aware, you simply act on the strongest impulse or strongest thought.

If you are upset, you don't say, "Ok, tomorrow, I'll get upset. Today let me not get upset." But anything good, anything that is uplifting the Self, we have a tendency to postpone: "I'll do it tomorrow, later on, another time."

Your own concepts have created "walls" and so you need a "door." But when there are no concepts, there are no walls.

Goal is to clear any impressions on your mind.

The sattvic intellect is one that just does the job joyfully and is unmindful of the results. Let things happen or not happen---either way they don't lose their enthusiasm.

You can spend the whole life worrying, grumbling, brooding over things and being miserable, or the same energy could be used to uplift you to unimaginable heights.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Whatever you give importance to brings misery or happiness
Whatever thing you give importance to in your life is the cause of happiness or misery. For e.g. you give importance to respect in your life. You entire life will be centered around it. You will do those actions by which you will get respect. You will be unhappy when you do not get the respect.
So if you feel you are giving too much importance to something just use the three point program to get over it.

The three point program is :-
> Take a deep breath in
> Remember your connection with Guruji
> Take a deep breath out and let go of what is troubling you

Use the three point program to get rid of the thoughts and emotions that are troubling you. The three point program is useful in bringing you from a negative state of mind to a neutral state of mind. But to go from the neutral state of mind to a positive state of mind you need something else. This something else is enthusiasm, responsibility and love. Whatever thing you do with enthusiasm, the quality of whatever action you are doing becomes more profound, more intense.
The highest form of seva is to bring someone on the path of knowledge.

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