Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Random questions and thoughts

Star signs Astrology - Does it help?
I think of astrology as an indicator about tendencies of a person - both positive and negative. I have observed sun-signs predictions to be pretty close.
Astrology does not define(because life has given us freedom to use our will and intelligence to change our direction).

I believe Goal of astrology - brings about awareness in you(knowing yourself). example it says scorpio are intense and aries impulsive.
Keyword above is awareness and my belief formed by listening to some wise people is goal of life is to be happy and full of love. That only happens when one is balanced,calm and centered. Feels true. And hence awareness about oneself is necessary. So if one is impulsive, some thoughtful activities need to be engaged for him/her.

Have you experienced if you know about something and is in at the back of your head, that awareness/knowing automatically will tend to do the opposite effect. I think most of us get this awareness from our experiences(good or bad).

Hence next time when a moment arrives which requires aries person to be more thoughtful OR requires scorpio person to be relaxed, awareness will just make it happen and brings best out of us.